6 de mar. de 2011

Livros que definem o pensamento ocidental
Textos completos, em inglês

PLATÃO The Republic (355AC) The Symposium (355AC) The Apology (355AC)
ARISTÓTELES Nicomachean Ethics (300AC) The Politics (300AC)
EPICURO Sovran Maxims (300AC)
MARCO AURÉLIO Meditations (180AD)
SANTO AGOSTINHO Confessions (390)
SEVERINO BOETHIUS The Consolation of Philosophy (520)
ERASMO In Praise of Folly (1515)
THOMAS MORE Utopia (1515)
MACHIAVELL The Prince (1520)
HOBBES Leviathan (1651)
PASCAL Thoughts (1660)
SPINOZA Ethics (1677)
LEIBNIZ Monadology (1698)
ROUSSEAU  The Social Contract (1762)
ADAM SMITH The Wealth of Nations (1776)
THOMAS PAINE The Rights of Man (1792)
MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792)
MARQUÊS DE SADE Philosophy in the Boudoir (1795)
AUGUSTO COMTE Positive Philosophy (1795)
CLAUSEWITZ On War (1830)
SCHOPENHAUER The World as Will and Idea (1844)
MARX E ENGELS The German Ideology (1846)
JOHN STUART MILL On Liberty (1859) A System of Logic (1843)
THOREAU Walden (1854)
NIETZSCHE Beyond Good and Evil (1886)
FREUD Psychoanalysis (1910)
EINSTEIN Relativity (1916)
WITTGENSTEIN Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1921)
A.J. AYER Language, Truth + Logic (1936)

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