21 de set. de 2011

Ministério do Esporte e Turismo

Nome da bola da copa de 2014: "Jaburlamos"

Kulula Airlines
A Kulula Airlines é uma companhia aérea sul-africana de baixo custo que não se leva muito a sério. Observem suas novas cores,  a pintura de seus aviões e vejam como ela se relaciona com seus clientes!

As aeromoças da Kulula fazem um grande esforço para tornar a "palestra sobre segurança de voo" e outros anúncios um pouco mais divertidos.

Aqui estão alguns exemplos reais que foram ouvidos por mim ou me foram relatados (com a respectiva tradução):
On a Kulula flight, (there is no assigned seating, you just sit where you want) passengers were apparently having a hard time choosing, when a flight attendant announced: "People, people we're not picking out furniture here, find a seat and get in it!"
Em um voo da Kulula, (não há assentos marcados, você pode sentar onde quiser) alguns passageiros, aparentemente, estavam demorando muito tempo para escolher um lugar, quando uma aeromoça falou: "Gente, gente, não estamos escolhendo móveis aqui, encontrem um lugar e sentem nele!"

On another flight with a very "senior" flight attendant crew, the pilot said: "Ladies and gentlemen, we've reached cruising altitude and will be turning down the cabin lights. This is for your comfort and to enhance the appearance of your flight attendants."
Em outro voo com uma tripulação de bordo muito "sênior", o comandante disse: "Senhoras e senhores, chegamos à altitude de cruzeiro e iremos apagar as luzes da cabine. Isto é para o seu conforto e para melhorar a aparência das atendentes de seu voo."
On landing, the stewardess said: "Please be sure to take all of your belongings... If you're going to leave anything, please make sure it's something we'd like to have." 
No desembarque, a aeromoça disse: "Por favor, não se esqueçam de levar todos os seus pertences... Se forem deixar alguma coisa, por favor, certifiquem-se de que é algo que nós gostaríamos de ter".

"There may be 50 ways to leave your lover, but there are only 4 ways out of this airplane." 
"Pode haver 50 maneiras de deixar o seu amante, mas só há quatro maneiras de sair deste avião."
"Thank you for flying Kulula. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride." 
"Obrigado por voar Kulula. Esperamos que tenham gostado de ter feito negócio conosco, tanto quanto nós apreciamos levar vocês para um passeio."
As the plane landed and was coming to a stop at Durban Airport , a lone voice came over the loudspeaker: "Whoa, big fella. WHOA!" 
Quando o avião aterrissou e estava parando no Aeroporto de Durban, uma voz solitária veio pelo alto-falante: "Uau! Grande garoto! Uau!"

After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in the Karoo, a flight attendant on a flight announced, "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as hell everything has shifted." 
Depois de uma aterrissagem particularmente áspera durante uma tempestade em Karoo, uma aeromoça anunciou: "Por favor, tomem cuidado ao abrir os compartimentos acima de suas poltronas, porque, depois de uma aterrissagem assim, com certeza tudo mudou".

From a Kulula employee: "Welcome aboard Kulula 271 to Port Elizabeth . To operate your seat belt, insert the metal tab into the buckle, and pull tight. It works just like every other seat belt; and, if you don't know how to operate one, you probably shouldn't be out in public unsupervised." 
De um tripulante da Kulula: "Bem-vindo a bordo do voo Kulula 271 para Port Elizabeth. Para utilizar o cinto de segurança, insira a guia de metal na fivela e puxe. Ele funciona como qualquer outro cinto de segurança. E, se você não sabe como operar um, você provavelmente não deveria estar fora, em público, sem ajuda".

"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child travelling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are travelling with more than one small child, pick your favorite." 
"No caso de uma súbita despressurização da cabine, máscaras cairão do teto. Pare de gritar, pegue sua máscara, e ajuste-a sobre o rosto. Se você tem uma criança pequena viajando com você, ponha sua máscara antes de ajudar com a dela. Se você estiver viajando com mais de uma criança pequena, ponha primeiro no seu preferido. "

"Weather at our destination is 50 degrees with some broken clouds, but we'll try to have them fixed before we arrive. Thank you, and remember, nobody loves you, or your money, more than Kulula Airlines." 
"A temperatura em nosso destino é de 50 graus, com algumas nuvens quebradas, mas vamos tentar consertá-las antes de chegar. Obrigado, e lembre-se, ninguém lhe ama, ou ao seu dinheiro, mais que a Kulula Airlines."
"Your seats cushions can be used for flotation; and in the event of an emergency water landing, please paddle to shore and take them with our compliments."
"Seus assentos podem ser usados para flutuação, e no caso de um pouso de emergência na água, por favor, remem para a praia e levem-nos com os nossos cumprimentos."
"As you exit the plane, make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses..." 
"Ao sair da aeronave, certifique-se que está levando todos os seus pertences. Qualquer coisa deixada para trás será distribuída uniformemente entre os comissários de bordo. Por favor, não deixe crianças ou cônjuges..."
And from the pilot during his welcome message: "Kulula Airlines is pleased to announce that we have some of the best flight attendants in the industry. Unfortunately, none of them are on this flight!" 
E do piloto durante a sua mensagem de boas vindas: "Kulula Airlines tem o prazer de anunciar que temos alguns dos melhores atendentes de voo existentes. Infelizmente, nenhum deles está neste voo!"

Heard on Kulula 255 just after a very hard landing in Cape Town: The flight attendant came on the intercom and said: "That was quite a bump and I know what y'all are thinking. I'm here to tell you it wasn't the airline's fault, it wasn't the pilot's fault, it wasn't the flight attendant's fault, it was the asphalt." 
Depois de uma aterrissagem muito difícil na Cidade do Cabo, uma aeromoça veio ao interfone e disse: "Isso foi bastante acidentado e sei o que vocês estão pensando. Estou aqui para lhes dizer que não foi culpa da companhia aérea, não foi culpa do piloto, não foi culpa do comissário de bordo, foi o asfalto".

Overheard on a Kulula flight into Cape Town, on a particularly windy and bumpy day: During the final approach, the Captain really had to fight it. After an extremely hard landing, the Flight Attendant said: "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to The Mother City. Please remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened while the Captain taxis what's left of our airplane to the gate!"
Ouvi em um voo da Kulula para Cape Town, em um dia particularmente ventoso e com turbulência, quando, durante a aproximação final, o capitão realmente teve que lutar contra isso. Após um pouso extremamente difícil, a aeromoça disse: "Senhoras e senhores, bem-vindos à nossa Cidade-mãe. Por favor, permaneçam em seus lugares com os cintos afivelados, enquanto o Capitão “taxia” o que restou do nosso avião até o portão de desembarque!"

Another flight attendant's comment on a less than perfect landing: "We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal." 
Comentário de um comissário de bordo em uma aterrissagem tudo, menos perfeita: "Pedimos-lhe que por favor permaneçam sentados enquanto o Capitão Canguru nos leva, saltando, até o terminal."
After a real crusher of a landing in Johannesburg , the attendant came on with: "Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain in your seats until Captain Crash and the Crew have brought the aircraft to a screeching halt against the gate. And, once the tire smoke has cleared and the warning bells are silenced, we will open the door and you can pick your way through the wreckage to the terminal..." 
Depois de um pouso realmente demolidor em Johanesburgo, a comissária se saiu com esta: "Senhoras e senhores, por favor, permaneçam em seus assentos até o Capitão Porrada e sua tripulação levarem a aeronave a um ponto próximo da área de desembarque. E, logo que a fumaça dos pneus se dissipar e as sirenes de alerta silenciarem, vamos abrir a porta da aeronave e todos poderão escolher o seu caminho para o terminal através dos destroços..."
Part of a flight attendant's arrival announcement: "We'd like to thank you folks for flying with us today. And, the next time you get the insane urge to go blasting through the skies in a pressurized metal tube, we hope you'll think of Kulula Airways." 
Parte do anúncio de um comissário de bordo na chegada: "Pessoal, gostaríamos de agradecer-lhes por voarem conosco hoje. E, da próxima vez que tiverem o impulso insano de rasgar os céus em um tubo de metal pressurizado, esperamos que vocês pensem na Kulula Airways".
Heard on a Kulula flight: "Ladies and gentlemen, if you wish to smoke, the smoking section on this airplane is on the wing... If you can light 'em, you can smoke 'em." 
Ouvi em um voo da Kulula: "Senhoras e senhores, se quiserem fumar, a área de fumantes deste avião é nas asas... Se puderem acender os cigarros lá, então poderão fumá-los.
An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had hammered his ship into the runway really hard. The airline had a policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while the passengers exited, smile, and give them a "Thanks for flying our airline". He said that, in light of his bad landing, he had a hard time looking the passengers in the eye, thinking that someone would have a smart comment. Finally everyone had gotten off except for a little old lady walking with a cane. She said: "Sir, do you mind if I ask you a question?" "Why, no Ma'am," said the pilot. "What is it?" The little old lady said: "Did we land, or were we shot down?" 
Um piloto relatou que, num voo em particular, o pouso tinha sido muito difícil. A companhia aérea tinha uma política que exigia que o primeiro oficial ficasse à porta da aeronave enquanto os passageiros saíam, para sorrir e dizer "Obrigado por voar na nossa companhia aérea". Ele disse que, devido à sua aterrissagem ruim, ele teve dificuldade de olhar os passageiros nos olhos, pensando que alguém faria um comentário inteligente. Finalmente todos tinham saído com exceção de uma velhinha andando com uma bengala. Ela disse: "Senhor, você se importaria se eu lhe fizer uma pergunta?" "Ora, não senhora", disse o piloto. "Qual é a pergunta?" A velhinha disse: "Será que nós pousamos ou fomos derrubados?"
O governo brasileiro deve investigar os crimes ocorridos na ditadura militar?
Perguntado por Politica Estadão

    Aristoteles Drummond responde
   -  Não. Devemos respeitar a Anistia. A mais os criminosos daqueles tempos, jovens desorientados, hoje parecem arrependidos da tal "luta armada" que não passou de terrorismo, com assaltos, atentados, sequestros. O que passou, passou. Respeitemos a decisão do Congresso, por proposta generosa do Presidente Figueiredo e vamos esquecer estes crimes, apenas renovando nosso apreço aos militares que nos salvaram. E homanageando os que morreram honrando a farda gloriosa .  
Estados Unidos instalam bases secretas
de drones na África, Península Arábica

U.S. Africa Command/Major Eric Hilliard:
- The Seychelles, where the U.S. had temporarily stationed MQ-9s under the operational authority of U.S. Africa Command, now houses  a base where a small fleet of “hunter-killer” drones resumed operations this month.

The Obama administration is assembling a constellation of secret drone bases for counterterrorism operations in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula as part of a newly aggressive campaign to attack al-Qaeda affiliates in Somalia and Yemen, U.S. officials said.
One of the installations is being established in Ethi­o­pia, a U.S. ally in the fight against al-Shabab, the Somali militant group that controls much of that country. Another base is in the Seychelles, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, where a small fleet of “hunter-killer” drones resumed operations this month after an experimental mission demonstrated that the unmanned aircraft could effectively patrol Somalia from there.
The U.S. military also has flown drones over Somalia and Yemen from bases in Djibouti, a tiny African nation at the junction of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. In addition, the CIA is building a secret airstrip in the Arabian Peninsula so it can deploy armed drones over Yemen.
The rapid expansion of the undeclared drone wars is a reflection of the growing alarm with which U.S. officials view the activities of al-Qaeda affiliates in Yemen and Somalia, even as al-Qaeda’s core leadership in Pakistan has been weakened by U.S. counterterrorism operations.
The U.S. government is known to have used drones to carry out lethal attacks in at least six countries: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. The negotiations that preceded the establishment of the base in the Republic of Seychelles illustrate the efforts the United States is making to broaden the range of its drone weapons.
The island nation of 85,000 people has hosted a small fleet of MQ-9 Reaper drones operated by the U.S. Navy and Air Force since September 2009. U.S. and Seychellois officials have previously acknowledged the drones’ presence but have said that their primary mission was to track pirates in regional waters. But classified U.S. diplomatic cables show that the unmanned aircraft have also conducted counterterrorism missions over Somalia, about 800 miles to the northwest.
The cables, obtained by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, reveal that U.S. officials asked leaders in the Seychelles to keep the counterterrorism missions secret. The Reapers are described by the military as “hunter-killer” drones because they can be equipped with Hellfire missiles and satellite-guided bombs.
To allay concerns among islanders, U.S. officials said they had no plans to arm the Reapers when the mission was announced two years ago. The cables show, however, that U.S. officials were thinking about weaponizing the drones.
During a meeting with Seychelles President James Michel on Sept. 18, 2009, American diplomats said the U.S. government “would seek discrete [sic], specific discussions . . . to gain approval” to arm the Reapers “should the desire to do so ever arise,” according to a cable summarizing the meeting. Michel concurred, but asked U.S. officials to approach him exclusively for permission “and not anyone else” in his government, the cable reported.

Michel’s chief deputy told a U.S. diplomat on a separate occasion that the Seychelles president “was not philosophically against” arming the drones, according to another cable.But the deputy urged the Americans “to be extremely careful in raising the issue with anyone in the Government outside of the President. Such a request would be ‘politically extremely sensitive’ and would have to be handled with ‘the utmost discreet care.’ ”
A U.S. military spokesman declined to say whether the Reapers in the Seychelles have ever been armed. 
“Because of operational security concerns, I can’t get into specifics,” said Lt. Cmdr. James D. Stockman, a public affairs officer for the U.S. Africa Command, which oversees the base in the Seychelles. He noted, however, that the MQ-9 Reapers “can be configured for both surveillance and strike.”

A spokeswoman for Michel said the president was unavailable for comment.
Jean-Paul Adam, who was Michel’s chief deputy in 2009 and now serves as minister of foreign affairs, said U.S. officials had not asked for permission to equip the drones with missiles or bombs.
“The operation of the drones in Seychelles for the purposes of ­counter-piracy surveillance and other related activities has always been unarmed, and the U.S. government has never asked us for them to be armed,” Adam said in an e-mail. “This was agreed between the two governments at the first deployment and the situation has not changed.”
The State Department cables show that U.S. officials were sensitive to perceptions that the drones might be armed, noting that they “do have equipment that could appear to the public as being weapons.”
To dispel potential concerns, they held a “media day” for about 30 journalists and Seychellois officials at the small, one-runway airport in Victoria, the capital, in November 2009. One of the Reapers was parked on the tarmac.
“The government of Seychelles invited us here to fight against piracy, and that is its mission,” Craig White, a U.S. diplomat, said during the event. “However, these aircraft have a great deal of capabilities and could be used for other missions.”
In fact, U.S. officials had already outlined other purposes for the drones in a classified mission review with Michel and Adam. 
Saying that the U.S. government “desires to be completely transparent,” the American diplomats informed the Seychellois leaders that the Reapers would also fly over Somalia “to support ongoing counter-terrorism efforts,” though not “direct attacks,” according to a cable summarizing the meeting.
U.S. officials “stressed the sensitive nature of this counter-terrorism mission and that this not be released outside of the highest . . . channels,” the cable stated. “The President wholeheartedly concurred with that request, noting that such issues could be politically sensitive for him as well.”
The Seychelles drone operation has a relatively small footprint. Based in a hangar located about a quarter-mile from the main passenger terminal at the airport, it includes between three and four Reapers and about 100 U.S. military personnel and contractors, according to the cables.
The military operated the flights on a continuous basis until April, when it paused the operations. They resumed this month, said Stockman, the Africa Command spokesman.
The aim in assembling a constellation of bases in the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula is to create overlapping circles of surveillance in a region where al-Qaeda offshoots could emerge for years to come, U.S. officials said.
The locations “are based on potential target sets,” said a senior U.S. military official. “If you look at it geographically, it makes sense — you get out a ruler and draw the distances [drones] can fly and where they take off from.”
One U.S. official said that there had been discussions about putting a drone base in Ethiopia for as long as four years, but that plan was delayed because “the Ethiopians were not all that jazzed.” Other officials said Ethiopia has become a valued counterterrorism partner because of threats posed by al-Shabab.
“We have a lot of interesting cooperation and arrangements with the Ethiopians when it comes to intelligence collection and linguistic capabilities,” said a former senior U.S. military official familiar with special operations missions in the region.
An Ethio­pian Embassy spokesman in Washington could not be reached for comment Tuesday night.
The former official said the United States relies on Ethiopian linguists to translate signals intercepts gathered by U.S. agencies monitoring calls and e-mails of al-Shabab members. The CIA and other agencies also employ Ethiopian informants who gather information from across the border.
Overall, officials said, the cluster of bases reflects an effort to have wider geographic coverage, greater leverage with countries in the region and backup facilities if individual airstrips are forced to close.
“It’s a conscious recognition that those are the hot spots developing right now,” said the former senior U.S. military official.

A Comissão
Sergio Paulo Muniz Costa
             Os Direitos Humanos são a maior conquista dos povos ao longo da História. Tornados universais após o horror do Holocausto na Segunda Guerra Mundial, eles transpuseram quase todas as barreiras que separavam a humanidade na busca de um futuro de paz. O Brasil teve papel relevante nessa arquitetura erguida há mais de sessenta anos, como vitorioso na guerra e ator prestigiado daqueles primeiros momentos da Organização das Nações Unidas, existindo muito boas razões para o país proferir anualmente o discurso de abertura da Assembléia Geral.

É uma lástima que o governo brasileiro, ao voltar a abrir a assembléia Geral da ONU, esteja comprometido no projeto de criação de uma comissão para apurar violações dos Direitos Humanos patrocinada pela sigla e ideais do comunismo. A sociedade brasileira, politicamente anestesiada, até pode se acomodar no desconhecimento, mas não é possível esconder do mundo a ausência da URSS, Ucrânia, Bielorrússia, Tchecoslováquia, Polônia e Iugoslávia, todos sob regime comunista, na causa dos Direitos Humanos, quando se abstiveram, juntamente com a África de Sul e Arábia Saudita, de votar na ONU a histórica declaração no dia 10 de dezembro de 1948. Stalin, o supremo ditador totalitário remanescente, não estava interessado em concessões a direitos e liberdades individuais no império comunista consolidado à base de expurgos, assassinatos e deportações. Ademais, a retribuição russa à barbárie nazista durante a guerra fez do Exército Vermelho o instrumento de terror ideal para o domínio soviético da Europa Oriental que durou até o final do século XX. 

No Brasil de hoje, se o caminho parece aberto para um governo que suprime o debate, aproveitando-se da degradação da politica e recorrendo à propaganda enganosa para impor um projeto sem qualquer preocupação com equilíbrio, transparência e reconciliação nacional, do ponto de vista internacional é impossível que essa incoerência deixe de trazer descrédito ao país. Inevitavelmente, as Forças Armadas serão atingidas pelos trabalhos da comissão, porém, a grande prejudicada será a politica nacional, na medida em aqueles que apelaram à violência em prol da implantação de um sistema totalitário no País vierem a ser ungidos como heróis, resultado previsível do que está em curso e já se delineia na desenvoltura com que personagens controversos se movem ao arrepio da lei e da ética. Jamais uma causa tão nobre teve propósitos e agentes tão espúrios. Jamais um governo brasileiro foi tão longe para impor uma versão única do passado do País. A comissão nunca pretendeu tratar do passado. Ela visa, a partir de uma vingança, um futuro exclusivo e excludente. O Brasil se inclina perigosamente para o lado errado da História.

No que diz respeito às Forças Armadas, não pode ser esquecido que “a reflexão sobre a realidade brasileira está, por assim dizer, embutida nos próprios alicerces da condição e da experiência dos nossos militares. De todos os grupos sociais do País, são eles, e em especial os do Exército, que têm a autêntica visão de conjunto dessa realidade. E esse é um aspecto precioso, que a modesta vida do oficial, nas guarnições espalhadas por sobre a nossa imensa geografia, metaboliza em reflexão”. Os militares brasileiros têm historicamente o dever e o direito de pensar o País, sem o que não poderão defendê-lo. A Nação tem que ouvi-los e nesse sentido as modificações no projeto da comissão apresentadas pelos comandantes militares devem ser tomadas em conta e não puramente desconsideradas em nome de interesses políticos que não alcançam a grandeza e o significado da disciplina e da subordinação militar às autoridades legalmente constituídas.

Com as armas legítimas do estado e o sangue generoso do seu povo o Brasil defendeu a democracia e os direitos humanos, como é até hoje reconhecido nos monumentos da região da Emilia-Romanha na Itália onde os pracinhas combateram entre setembro de 1944 e maio de 1945. No Monumento Votivo Militar Brasileiro em Pistóia se lê:

"Esta terra sagrada foi sepultura dos soldados brasileiros mortos no campo da honra pela dignidade da pessoa humana. 1945" 

À luz da História, a comissão pretendida pelo governo ultrapassou a questão da verdade ou da mentira.

Trata-se de uma infâmia.
As 20 aplicações IPhone (& IPad) mais usadas em 2011
Você encontra nas AppleStores

1. Dropbox

Dropbox is a great cloud service that automatically syncs a folder of files between multiple computers (Windows, Mac, or Linux). This app extends Dropbox to the iPhone and includes a built-in reader within the app for PDFs, image files, and Microsoft Office files.

2. Evernote

Once you get used to typing on a virtual keyboard (and it honestly took me over a year to do it), then these devices are great for note taking, and Evernote is a great note taking app. It is similar to Dropbox in that it saves data locally but syncs it across all your machines and devices.

3. Due

There are a ton of to-do apps on iPhone but I prefer Due for its simplicity and its audio alerts. However, this is an iPhone-only task list. If you want something that can sync with your PC, Mac, or the Web, then try 2Do or Things.

4. Tripit

I love Tripit. It is by far the best app I’ve found for keeping track of all my travel itineraries. It is powered by some excellent backend systems. You simply forward your confirmation emails (or use the Gmail plugin to do it automatically) for your flights, hotels, rental cars, and more to Tripit and it automatically organizes them into trips with all your details and confirmation numbers.

5. Analytics App

For some reason Google doesn’t have an official app (for either iPhone or Android) for Google Analytics. The best one I’ve found to go deep into all of the data is Analytics App.

6. Ego

Even better than Analytics App for a quick-glance dashboard is Ego. It shows basic data from Google Analytics as well as a bunch of other sources, including Squarespace, Twitter, and Feedburner.

7. Twitter

The official Twitter app (formerly known as Tweetie) is still the best Twitter client on iPhone (although Osfoora is catching up). Twitter itself is an amazing instant-intelligence engine. Two other great social media apps for iPhone are Google+ and Foursquare.

8. Reeder

Twitter has largely replaced RSS for me for finding and filtering the latest news. However, I still track some RSS feeds and the best tool I’ve found to do it with is Reeder. It syncs with Google Reader so it’s easy to flip between the mobile app and the desktop, plus the app lets you share to Twitter (and Facebook) and save to Instapaper and ReadItLater.

9. Amazon Kindle

I’ve never fully warmed up to the Amazon Kindle e-reader, but I’m a big fan of the Kindle iPhone app. Since it was released I’ve read a lot more books simply because my phone is always with me and I can pull it out and read a few pages anytime I’ve got a couple minutes free. Alternatives:NookiBooks, and Kobo.

10. Audible

As much as I like the Kindle ebooks, I actually consume more books as audiobooks via Audible. In the past you could download these and sync them via iTunes. But Audible now has its own app, which lets you connect to your Audible library and download over the air, and even gives you a self-contained player optimized for audiobooks.

11. Podcaster

Sure, you can use iTunes and the built-in iPod app to listen to podcasts, but if you’re an avid podcast listener (I regularly follow This Week in Tech, Buzz Out Loud, and Tech News Today) then the app Podcaster offers a better experience. You can download over the air (so that you don’t have to constantly sync to a computer to get the latest episodes), you can skip forward and backward 30 seconds, you can increase playback speed to 1.5 times normal speed, and the app is even compatible with AirPlay.

12. Photoshop Mobile

Photoshop is, of course, the best known photo editor in the world and its mobile app doesn’t do anything to hurt that reputation. But while the desktop version is known for having a zillion features, the mobile app is distinguished by its simplicity. It’s the best iPhone photo editing app for simple crops, brightness adjustments, and sharpens, for example. However, once editing is built into the native Camera app in iOS5, editors such as Photoshop Mobile may quickly become unnecessary.

13. Pano

Pano makes it easy to take excellent panoramas with the iPhone. It helps you line up your shots and it automatically corrects many of the imperfections. My wife is a photographer with a big, expensive Nikon camera and she’s regularly jealous of some of the shots I can get with the iPhone and Pano.

14. Instagram

The camera and camera app on the iPhone are now good enough to replace a point-and-shoot. You can even take pictures that are worthy of saving in your family albums. For those, I upload them to Flickr using the iPhone app. For the everyday photos that I just want to quickly post on social media, I use Instagram. It is very quick, dead simple to use, and very social media friendly. But, do me a favor and go easy on the filters. They are badly overused by most Instagram users, while 90% of photos are better with no filter at all.

15. Navigon Mobile Navigator

I used to carry a separate Garmin GPS unit for turn-by-turn directions but I eventually got rid of it and decided to just use the iPhone instead. In researching the various apps, I eventually decided on NAVIGON, which is a company that makes a lot of the built-in navigation systems for many cars. Tip: Make sure your iPhone is plugged in to power when you run a GPS navigation program like this because otherwise it will quickly drain your battery.

16. Where To?

A great companion to a GPS system is the app “Where To?” which lets you quickly look up various types of shops and services, from Cuban restaurants to medical specialists to animal hospitals to local museums and much more.

17. RunKeeper

This is a great little app that can save you from buying a pedometer. It uses the iPhone’s GPS to track the miles you’ve run or walked, and it compiles the data into some nice dashboards that you can view on your phone or on RunKeeper’s website.

18. Nutrition Menu

Another app for all of you health-conscious geeks out there is Nutrition Menu. This thing is a mobile compendium of nutritional data. It has calorie information on common foods and most major restaurants, and it has calorie-burning information for many types of exercises. It also allows you to track your daily weigh-ins and makes notes on your progress.

19. GroceryGadget

This is an app plus a website and you can quickly sync between the two. The way it usually works for me is that my wife makes a grocery list, enters it into grocerygadgets.com, and then it syncs to my iPhone so that I can swing by the grocery store and pick up the stuff.

20. RedLaser

This is a great app for shoppers. It turns the iPhone camera into a barcode scanner and it’s quite accurate. You simply scan a product’s UPC code and let the app go to work to find it in Google Product Search and TheFind. For food it will even look up allergen information and for books it will scan to see if you can get it in a local library. You’ll be amazed at how fast it works. A similar product is SnapTell, which not only scans barcordes but you can also take a picture of the cover of a book or DVD and it can look them up that way. These apps are great when you’re shopping at a retail store and want to check the prices of products online before buying. It also reads QR codes.