10 de nov. de 2012

Se for montagem, vale pelo oportunismo

Um cadáver volta a assombrar a República petista:
o de Celso Daniel.
Partido decide adiar seu manifesto
contra o STF e a “mídia golpista”

Por Reinaldo Azevedo - 03/11/2012

Sempre que está acuado, não importa o assunto – uma disputa eleitoral ou uma investigação policial –, o PT parte para o ataque. Infelizmente – para o país e para a ordem dos fatos –, costuma ser bem-sucedido. 

Vimos isso recentemente, na disputa eleitoral em São Paulo. Desde que Lula decidiu que o candidato seria mesmo Fernando Haddad, o partido iniciou uma intensa campanha acusando forças supostamente obscurantistas e a oposição de explorar a questão do kit gay. Quem quer que faça uma pesquisa vai constatar que os adversários do partido mal tocavam no assunto. Era só uma reação preventiva para conquistar, como conquistou, a imprensa. Tocar no tema passou a ser visto como coisa reacionária, conservadora, religiosa. Mais ainda: inverteu-se o ônus do tema. O tucano José Serra é que passou a ser literalmente perseguido por jornalistas para se posicionar a respeito, sendo acusado de explorar um tema que não diria respeito à cidade – o que, de resto, é falso porque há milhares de alunos da rede municipal de ensino.

Muito bem! Qual foi a consequência? O kit gay ficou longe da campanha. O tema não foi levado ao horário eleitoral gratuito ou aos debates na TV.. O PT conseguiu, assim, ”, blindar Fernando Haddad, preservando-o de sua própria obra. O ministro que autorizou a produção de um material – destinado a alunos a partir de 11 anos – que sustentava a superioridade da bissexualidade no cotejo com a heterossexualidade. O mais impressionante: Serra, que não tocou no assunto, foi acusado de estimular o preconceito. Um sedizente “cientista social” afirmou que sua campanha estaria contaminada pelo “ódio”. O PT, em suma, fez um movimento preventivo e se deu bem.

O caso da CPI do Cachoeira

No dizer de Rui Falcão, presidente do PT e pensador refinado, a bancada do PT na Câmara e no Senado defendia uma CPI “para apurar esse escândalo dos autores da farsa do mensalão”. Tudo parecia caminhar bem até que surgiram na mesa os nomes de Fernando Cavendish e Sérgio Cabral. Aí os petistas precisaram correr com o rabo enfiado entre as pernas. Afinal, ficou claro, Carlinhos Cachoeira era só um peixe pequeno de um escândalo gigantesco, que iria estourar no Palácio do Planalto. Mas, como resta evidente, houve, sim, a tentativa de usar a CPI para melar o julgamento no STF.

Depois da condenação…

Condenado Marcos Valério, o PT passou a viver o pânico da concessão do benefício da delação premiada ao empresário. Sabe que os 40 anos de cadeia não são coisa trivial e que seu antigo aliado está injuriado. Alguém na sua situação pode, sim, decidir se safar contando o que sabe. O partido havia prometido um manifesto para quinta-feira, mas parece ter adiado em face das notícias que começaram a circular sobre o depoimento de Valério.

Agora ao ponto

Recuperem o noticiário de janeiro de 2002, por ocasião do assassinato do prefeito Celso Daniel. Antes que qualquer pessoa aventasse publicamente a possibilidade de que o PT pudesse ter algum envolvimento com a morte, os petistas botaram a boca no trombone e saíram acusando a suposta tentativa de incriminar o partido, exigindo, em tom enérgico, que a polícia fizesse alguma coisa. Montou-se uma verdadeira operação de guerra para controlar o noticiário. No arquivo do blog, vocês encontram alguns textos a respeito. Celso foi o primeiro de uma impressionante fila de oito cadáveres relacionados ao caso
O prefeito morto era já o coordenador do programa de governo do então pré-candidato do PT à Presidência, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. O partido seria o primeiro a ter motivos para desconfiar de alguma motivação política para o sequestro e imediato assassinato. Deu-se, no entanto, o contrário: o partido praticamente exigia que a polícia declarasse que tudo não havia passado de crime comum.

O último morto, por causa desconhecida (!), foi o legista Carlos Delmonte Printes, que assegurou que Celso fora barbaramente torturado antes de ser assassinado. Luiz Eduardo Greenhalgh, advogado do PT que acompanhou o caso em nome do partido e teve acesso ao cadáver, assegurou à família de Celso, no entanto, que não havia sinais de tortura. O fato é conhecido porque foi denunciado pela família do prefeito.
Gilberto Carvalho, braço direito de Celso na Prefeitura, movimentou-se freneticamente logo após a morte do “amigo” para que prevalecesse a versão do partido: crime comum. O esforço deixou um rastro de conversas gravadas que vieram a público. Tudo muito impressionante. Leiam, por exemplo, este diálogo em que Sérgio Sombra, acusado de ser ao assassino de Celso, entra em pânico e pede para falar com Carvalho. Alguém garante que está sendo montado “um esquema”.

(Sombra) – Ô Dias!

(Dias) – Oi chefe!

(Sombra) – Onde é que você está cara?

(Dias) – Tô na avenida (…). Eu tô saindo, to indo praí.

(Sombra) – (…) Fala prá ligá nesse instante (…) Pará de fazer o que está fazendo.

(Dias) – Peraí, Peraí, Perai. Ei! Oi! Escuta o (…) Já está aí onde está todo mundo (…) Alô!

(Sombra) – Ô meu irmão!

(Dias) – Cara cê está no sétimo? 

(Sombra) – Ô meu! O cara da Rede TV está me escrachando, meu chapa! Tá falando que… Tá falando que é tudo mentira, que o carro tá pegando, que não destrava a porta, que sou o principal suspeito.

(Dias) – Ô cara! Deixa eu te falar. O que hoje tá pegando contra você é esse negócio do carro. Nós temos que fazer é armar um esquema aí: “porque as empresas de (…) junto com a Mitsubishi, por razões óbvias de mercado, se juntaram para dizer que você está mentindo, que o câmbio está funcionando”…Entendeu? Então é o seguinte…

(Sombra) – Peraí. Perai, péra um pouquinho.

(Dias) – (…) Pô! Pegá o que Porra?

(Sombra) – Chama o Gilberto aí! Chama o Gilberto! Tem que armar alguma coisa!

(Dias) – Calma!

(Sombra)  Eu tô calmo. Quero é que as coisas sejam resolvidas.

Outro diálogo: “Puta! Tá dez!”

Há outro diálogo bastante interessante. Alguém liga para Ivone, tornada pelo partido a “viúva oficial” de Celso — consta que era sua “namorada” à época… E lhe dá nota dez por sua performance como “viúva” numa entrevista. Vocês entenderam direito. Leiam. Ivone é a personagem B.


–   Como vai minha querida?

(Ivone) –  Vou assim. Arrastando.

(Xande)  –    Ótima a sua entrevista! Viu?

(Ivone) –  Você gostou Xande?

(Xande)  –    Eu gostei muito mesmo.

(Ivone) –  É importante a sua opinião pra mim porque estou totalmente sem referência. Né?

(Xande)  – Eu achei muita boa. Entendeu. Tá super. Tem coisas… tá perfeito!


(Ivone) –  Hoje tem uma coisa. Programa pra ir na Hebe.

(Xande)  –  É. Porque vai a mulher… a viúva do Toninho.

(Ivone) – Sabe que o Genoino quer. E é uma merda né. Uma merda.

(Xande)  – Olha. Se você falar o que falou ai está 10. Puta! Tá 10, não parece estrela, a dor de uma viúva. Tá dez!

Como se nota, a morte do “companheiro” havia se transformado apenas numa questão de marketing e de guerra para ganhar a “mídia”. Com direito a nota pela performance da, sei lá como chamar, “atriz” talvez.


Já lhes contei aqui. Mesmo a ala petista da família Daniel rompeu com o PT. Um dos irmãos, Bruno, teve de se exilar na França com mulher e filhos. Estavam sendo ameaçados de morte no Brasil. Outro irmão relatou que Celso havia lhe contando que Carvalho era o portador de malas de dinheiro de um propinoduto de Santo André para o então presidente do PT, José Dirceu. Os dois negam.

Vale a pena, reitero, por curiosidade quase científica, voltar ao noticiário daqueles dias para constatar a frenética movimentação preventiva do partido, certo de que poderia conduzir para onde quisesse a opinião pública. Passada uma semana, quem estava na defensiva era a polícia paulista… Agora, Marcos Valério denuncia ao Ministério Público que o PT tentou fazê-lo participar de uma esquema para silenciar. com dinheiro, pessoas que estariam chantageando Lula e Carvalho, podendo implicá-los no assassinato de Celso. Valério diz que não participou, mas dá a entender que tem mais detalhes da operação, que teria sido realizada. Diz que sabe até que banco foi usado na operação.

Vamos ver. Uma coisa é certa: o cadáver de Celso Daniel volta a se agitar no armário. E o PT decidiu adiar o seu manifesto contra o STF e a “mídia golpista”.


PS – Reitero: a vida de Marcos Valério vale mais a cada dia. E, por isso mesmo, também vale menos… Se o STF não tomar as devidas precauções, o óbvio acontece. Porque o óbvio sempre acontece.

Imagens inseridas pelo Blog.

Tango no trapézio

9 de nov. de 2012

David Petraeus resigns as CIA director

Video: David Petraeus has resigned as director of the CIA after admitting he had an extramarital affair. According to his letter of resignation, Petraeus asked President Barack Obama on Thursday to allow him to resign. T he president accepted on Friday.

Petraeus, a retired four-star U.S. Army general once considered a potential presidential candidate, met with President Obama on Thursday and said he was prepared to step down because of the affair. Obama accepted the resignation in a phone call to Petraeus on Friday, officials said.

“After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair,” Petraeus said in a statement distributed Friday to the CIA workforce. “Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.”
A senior administration official said a stunned Obama took the night to consider Petraeus’s resignation request, mostly because it happened so suddenly and without advance warning. When he called Petraeus the next day, the former general reaffirmed his decision to resign.
“It was Petraeus’s judgment that he couldn’t go on leading agency, and the president accepted that judgment,” said a second senior administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The sudden departure created turmoil in the Obama administration’s national security team just days after the president’s reelection. That team is expected to see a series of changes in the coming months, but many believed that Petraeus would remain in his position.
In a statement, Obama said Petraeus has “provided extraordinary service to the United States for decades,” adding that “through his lifetime of service David Petraeus has made our country safer and stronger.”
Although the statement did not directly address Petraeus’s reason for resigning, the president said that his “thoughts and prayers are with Dave and Holly Petraeus, who has done so much to help military families through her own work. I wish them the very best at this difficult time.”
Holly Petraeus is an assistant director of the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, charged with advocating on behalf of service members and their families. The two had met in 1973 at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, where Holly’s father was superintendent.
Petraeus was scheduled to testify next week on Capitol Hill in hearings on the deaths of four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador and two CIA security officers, in Libya in September. U.S. officials said Friday that the controversy surrounding that attack — and the administration’s shifting explanations for it — played no role in Petraeus’s decision to resign.
Petraeus had traveled to Libya and Jordan in recent weeks. CIA officials declined to explain the timing of his resignation, or discuss what prompted his decision to admit to the affair. Petraeus’s 14-month tenure as CIA director is one of the shortest in agency history.
Michael J. Morell, who served as Petraeus’s deputy at the CIA, is serving as interim director, a position he occupied for several months before Petraeus was sworn in. Morell is seen as a possible candidate to replace Petraeus, but there are others, including Michael G. Vickers, a former CIA paramilitary officer now serving as Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence.
Petraeus came into the CIA job after a highly decorated Army career that included command of the war efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan, and made him one of the most highly recognized officers of his generation.
On Capitol Hill, he was regarded with reverence by many lawmakers. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Friday that she believed Petraeus’s infidelity did not require him to resign.
“I wish President Obama had not accepted this resignation, but I understand and respect the decision,” Feinstein said in a statement. She described Petraeus’s resignation as an “enormous loss for our nation’s intelligence community and for our country.”
Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, also praised Petraeus’s service in a statement. “Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family,” he said.
: ^ ((




Agora veja as explicações para entender o recado do anunciante: 

– na primeira foto, a mulher tem um dedo a mais na mão esquerda;

– na segunda, aparece um braço fantasma apoiado no ombro do cara; e,

– na terceira, o homem não tem a orelha direita.

Se o que chamou mais a atenção foram os restos de alimento agarrados nos dentes do homem - e não os defeitos físicos inseridos nas imagens - então a divulgação do produto cumpriu seu objetivo.

The complete guide to a Windows 8 clean installation

Takeaway: Greg Shultz documents the entire Windows 8 clean install procedure so we have a roadmap to follow and know what to expect.
As I wrote last week in Take advantage of the $15 Windows 8 Pro Upgrade Offer, I purchased a new system back in August, an ASUS CM1740 with an AMD APU A8-3820 (2.5GHz), 8GB RAM and running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit. I decided to download the Windows 8 Pro Upgrade.
When the download was complete, I was contemplating installing Windows 8 in a dual-boot configuration, but decided to sleep on it. After weighing my options, I decided against a dual-boot configuration thinking that if I could easily access Windows 7, it would turn into a crutch and I would find myself frequently returning to the familiar environment just because I could. Instead, I decided to blow away Windows 7 along with all the partitions, and perform a clean install of Windows 8.
As I was formulating my plan, I thought that I would document the entire procedure so that those of you who decide to go the clean install route will have a roadmap to follow and know what to expect.

Backup your data

Of course, before you get started, you should back up your data. You can use Windows 7’s Backup and Restore to create a backup or you can simply copy your data files over to an external hard disk. You might even want to do both operations. After all, you really can’t have too many backups, can you?

Getting started

After booting from the DVD that I created from my download, the first thing I encountered was the new light blue Windows logo on a black background, as shown in Figure A. This image remained on the screen for a few moments while Setup was initializing. I was kind of hoping that the flag would be animated, but the only animation was the dots spinning in a circle.

Figure A

The new light blue Windows flag is introduced.
After a few minutes, you’ll see the Windows Setup screen shown in Figure B and you will specify your language settings before clicking Next. When you do, Setup will perform some more initialization tasks in the background.

Figure B

The first step in the installation is to specify your language settings.
As soon as the initial steps are taken care of, you’ll see the Windows Setup screen shown inFigure C and will click the Install Now button.

Figure C

To get started, just click the Install now button.

Collecting Information

Once you click the Install now button, you’ll see the beginning of the information collection phase of the installation procedure. As you can see in Figure D, the first step here is to input the Windows 8 product key.

Figure D

You’ll enter your product key to start the information collection phase of the installation procedure.
The next step is to acknowledge that you accept the license terms, as shown in Figure E. If you take the time to read through them, you will see that Microsoft has indeed radically overhauled EULA as Ed Bott over at ZDNet wrote about in a recent column.
Even if you don’t take the time to read the license terms during the installation, once you have installed Windows 8, you can find the Microsoft Software License Agreement in the Windows Help and Support system - just search with the term License. Not only is the license shorter in length, but it is also much clearer and easier to read.

Figure E

The new EULA is much easier to read that previous versions.
When you are prompted to choose which type of installation you want to perform, as shown inFigure F, you’ll choose Custom: Install Windows only (advanced) type in order to perform a clean install of Windows 8.

Figure F

In order to perform a clean install of Windows 8, you’ll select the Custom option.
When you are prompted to choose where you want to install Windows, as shown in Figure G, you’ll see a list of any partitions that are currently on your hard disk. As you can see in my example system there are actually four separate partitions. You may have a different combination depending on your system.
As I mentioned, performing a clean install means blowing away all existing partitions. The first partition in this list is labeled System Reserved and it was created automatically during the Windows 7 installation. A new System Reserved partition will be created by Windows 8, so you can remove existing one. The partition labeled Recovery contains the OEM recovery for Windows 7. I created the recovery DVDs soon after I got the new system. It won’t do me any good going forward with Windows 8 anyway, so I will remove that partition too. The partition labeled WIN7 contains the Windows 7 installation that I am replacing, so it is definitely going. The partition labeled DATA contains all of my data that I copied to an external hard disk, so it is safe to blow that one away too.

Figure G

On you example system there are four partitions that I will be blowing away.
To begin blowing away partitions, you start by clicking Drive options (advanced). When you do so, you’ll see a list of commands for managing partitions, as shown in Figure H.

Figure H

When you click Drive options (advanced), you’ll see a list of commands for managing partitions.
Now, you’ll select each of the partitions, one by one, and select the Delete command. When you do, you’ll see a confirmation prompt like the one shown in Figure I. Just click OK to delete the partition.

Figure I

As you delete each partition, you’ll be prompted to confirm the operation.
Once you delete each of the existing partitions, you’ll see that all of the space will be combined together in one chunk labeled Unallocated Space, as shown in Figure J. While you could create a new partition and format it, you don’t have to. Windows 8 will automatically take care of that in the next step. So just go ahead and click Next.

Figure J

All of the space will be combined together in one chunk labeled Unallocated Space.

Installing Windows

When you click Next, Setup creates the partition, formats it, and then instantly moves into the Installing Windows phase which begins with copying and getting files ready for the installation, as shown in Figure K. This process will take a while to progress though, so you can sit back and relax a bit.

Figure K

The Installing Windows stage begins with copying files from the DVD to the hard disk.
When this phase of the process is complete, Windows will alert you that it is going to restart in order to continue, as shown in Figure L. If you are really impatient and really quick, you can click the Restart now button.

Figure L

Windows will restart after the first part of the process is complete.
Upon restarting you’ll see the black screen with the blue Windows logo and see that Setup is getting devices ready, as shown in Figure M. As soon as that part of the process is complete, Windows will alert you that it is going to restart again, as shown in Figure N.

Figure M

Windows Setup will get all installed devices ready to work with Windows 8.

Figure N

Windows will restart again.

Configuring Windows

When the system restarts, you’ll be prompted to choose a color scheme for Windows 8 and a PC name, as shown in Figure O. I chose a light blue color scheme for now. I can change it later.

Figure O

You can choose a color schema and name your computer.
When the Settings screen appears, as shown in Figure P, you can choose to customize these settings or you can allow Windows to use the express settings. If you are unsure, you can click the Learn more link and get more details. I chose to use the express settings. I can change any or all of these setting later if I want.

Figure P

You can customize the settings or just go the express route.
On the next screen, you’ll choose how you want to sign on to Windows 8, as shown in Figure Q. While you can choose to sign in with a local account, I would recommend that you use an existing Microsoft (email) account, such as a Hotmail.com or a Live.com account. If you don’t have a Microsoft account, you can sign up for one or you can use any email address that you want and Windows 8 will create an account for you.

Figure Q

It will be to your advantage to use an existing Microsoft account or to create one.
The advantage of using an existing Microsoft account or creating one is that you will be able to instantly use the Windows Store, will be able to easily sync settings between multiple Windows 8 computers, and be able to easily take advantage of other Windows 8 features. I already have a Microsoft account, so I entered it here.
After filling the details of your account on the next couple of screens, you’ll eventually see a screen that changes color as it alerts you the Setup is getting your PC ready. The green version of this screen is show in Figure R.

Figure R

While this screen changes color often, it will remain for a few minutes while Setup works in the background.
As you may know, Windows 8 comes with a host of native apps for the Start screen interface that replace and add to the group of applications that used to come with previous versions of Windows. The screen shown in Figure S indicates that Setup is installing those apps.

Figure S

As the last step in the installation, Windows 8 installs its set of native apps.
Once the apps are installed, you’ll see the Start screen, as shown in Figure T, and can begin using Windows 8.

Figure T

The Start screen appears when the installation procedure is complete.

What’s your take?

Are you planning on performing a clean install of Windows 8? As always, if you have comments or information to share about this topic, please take a moment to drop by the TechRepublic Community Forums and let us hear from you.

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